Lean Station partners to co-invest for your project recovery
The construction industry is starting to stir as the global restrictions in place due to the crisis are being lifted, companies are thinking hard about how to resume operations.
Catchup/Recovery plans must cater for the challenges of an unreliable supply chain and depleted manpower globally. There will be a need of reprioritisation of works, reapplications of approvals and loads of paperwork resolved before activities on the site can be resumed. It would take deep thinking to come up with a realistic revised plan to come close to the original target, which requires realistic flow of information among the clients, contractors, consultants, suppliers, and other stakeholders
Where can Lean Station contribute?
We at Lean Station combine our strengths in process knowledge, lean implementation and digital system of Lean PlanDo to provide a focussed solution to companies in this recovery process.
We will be offering a customised package to companies who are recovering to strengthen their approach and direct their strategies towards a more realistic and achievable target and in working with the team to realise these targets during the upcoming crucial 6 months.
How can we achieve this together?
We will be implementing the Lean Station’s Integrated Lean Project Delivery system - Lean PlanDo, intensively with a focus on project recovery in these following stages:

Learning from a case study of a recovered project:

What is in the Standard LPD Project Recovery Package?

Note: While we are working hard to contribute to as many projects as possible to recover we are also realistically watching our own available bandwidth prior to making a commitment. We estimate we can take up 10 new projects under this campaign apart from our ongoing contracts and upcoming project pipeline. We shall constantly look to expand our capabilities and bandwidth. Any changes to this will be updated on our website.
Do not lose this opportunity to go Lean. It has never been so crucial to make such a long term investment that has invaluable returns. Contact us at www.leanstation.com to make the smart move towards a brighter future.